Sunday, 21 August 2011

My First Christmas By Alfie

Hello again
So sorry for delay, Mummy and Daddy wanted my first Christmas pictures which they had copied off to discs, its taken silly Daddy 2 days to sort through 44,500 pictures only to find they already had them to hand - I mean what hope is there for a dog when the humans can be so useless sometimes?

Anyway, here I am on my first Christmas in my new home and it snowed, would have been so much fun but I was stuck in that simply ridiculous blown up collar and on a lead to take care of my stitches.  But, I showed them after that particulary fun-less walk I came home and ripped it to bits.  So the rest of my day was spent playing with mine and Tess's new toys.  This is Tess, she too is a rescue Labrador when I arrived she was around 9 years old she is around 11 now.  Thing with us rescue dogs, sometimes our exact age is not known.

Must admit though, looking back once that horrendous two weeks of confinement was over life got a whole lot better.

Alfie xx

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